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Tips to help you set up an ABN

Before you can start being invited to participating in project reviews, you will need to provide a valid ABN to your application. 


An ABN is a unique 11 digit number that identifies your business to the government and community. An ABN is used for tax and other business activities.

If you already have one, you can proceed with an application. 

If you don’t have one, applying for your ABN should be free and easy.

Your ABN will need to meet the following criteria to be successfully verified:

  • Name: Must match your name as it appears on the photo ID you’ve uploaded to your Uber account

  • ABN type: Dependent on your personal circumstances (Please note: Entity types other than ‘Sole Trader’ require additional documentation for validation)

  • Status: Active (your ABN must be current and active, and can’t be cancelled)

Steps to apply for an ABN

1. ABNs can be obtained through the Australian Business Register’s Website
The Australian Business Register’s Website can be accessed here. The main page will have a button to ‘Apply or reapply for an ABN’.

2. Terms and Conditions to be agreed
This page will detail ‘Important information’. The terms and conditions will need to be agreed to for you to progress to the next stage.

3. The ‘ABN Entitlement’ section will need to be completed based on what is applicable to you

The ‘Individual / Sole Trader’ category is for individuals. For more information on what it means to be a sole trader, see here. Many people who deliver with Uber Eats fall under this category but you should check whether it applies to you.

4. The ‘Application Detail’ section will need to be completed based on what is applicable to you

The form will ask if you have a Tax File Number, and if so, you will be prompted to include it in the next section. You may apply for a Tax File Number here if you do not have one.









5. The ‘Business Information’ section will need to be completed based on what is applicable to you.

This section contains several sub-sections. You will be prompted to fill in:

  • Your full name, date of birth and your Tax File Number.

    • Your name should match your name as it appears on the photo ID you’ve uploaded to your Uber account

    • Not providing your Tax File Number may cause delays in obtaining your ABN

  • Your business activity details and main business activity

  • Your main business location, business contact details

  • Your postal address

  • Authorised contact details

6. The ‘Reason for Application’ section will need to be completed based on what is applicable to you.


7. The ‘Declaration’ section will need to be completed based on what is applicable to you.

This section will prompt you to declare that the information you have given is true and correct.

The ‘Position held’ is the same as ABN entitlement.

8. Click ‘Submit’!

Your application will be reviewed by the Australian Business Register, and you will receive your ABN if it has been successful.

If your application is unsuccessful, the Australian Business Register will notify you of this and reasons for the refusal, and the options available to you, which include your review rights

*The above is provided for information purposes only and should not be considered as tax or business advice. These general tips are to explain the process to obtain an ABN and are current as at 9 October 2022. Options other than the examples above may be applicable to you and you should do your own due diligence when you are applying for an ABN, including speaking to a tax professional.

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+61 02 4400 9932

Digital Discovery Pty Ltd, Trading as 'See Me Please'

2/ 11 York Street, Sydney NSW 

27 Old Gloucester St, Holborn, London, WC1N 3AX

ABN: 22 668 639 156

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