Project Tasks
Workforce Australia
Job search & employment features
Please don't use your personal information for this project
We do not want to be handling or viewing your genuine, personal information for this project. Please don't use your real name, email address or log in details.
We will set you up with a See Me Please email address to use for this and future tasks.
Context on this project
Everyone should be able to apply for a job that they're interested in and be assessed on merit. And for background, the disability employment rate has sat at 53% for over 28 years in Australia.
We are delighted to be partnering with Workforce Australia to provide them with feedback on the usability and accessibility of numerous employment-related features via their Workforce Australia website.
Quality Feedback Matters
Take the time to talk through the experience
Highlight frustration points or features that may not perform as well as they could (i.e could heading labels improve navigation of search results)
Where possible, provide examples of best practice websites to help our client understand what 'good' looks like by comparison
We want to help our client understand it's real people who rely on usable and accessible online services, please be yourself. Chat through your interactions, let your personality shine, and have fun with it!
Recording your tasks
You can use any screen recording platform you like and upload the recording via the button at the top of the page.
A range of screen recording options are available, for example, using the built-in recording software on your device, the free version of Zoom, or the free platform OBS.
Alternatively, you can use the screen recording tool we've set up below.
This screen recording tool isn't perfect and might not work for all testers. We're working hard at developing a custom-built and secure screen recording platform that we hope to launch in the next 12 months.
We'd like to show our client the diverse user experiences of navigating the Workforce Australia Website.
We have some prescribed tasks later on in this project but would like to understand the most intuitive pathway for accessing their online services. So we'll start with an open-ended ask.
Visit and record how you would:
1. search for a job, this allows us to understand the most intuitive customer journey
2. search for an employment provider near you?
Task 1.
Task 2.
We'd now like to understand your feedback navigating certain parts of the website.
We're looking for detailed and specific feedback highlighting what could be improved considering other websites you've found easy to use. We've broken this task down into subtasks but it can be submitted as a single recording.
Task 2.1 The Workforce Australia homepage
Lets start by going through the home page in detail. Visit and working from top to bottom, talk through the home page content, structure and features.
Try to draw attention to headings, structures or pictures that are inaccessible or language that doesn't make sense to you.
After reviewing the website, what information or services does Workforce Australia provide?
Could their home page be improved in any way?
Task 2.2 Lets use another job search website as a reference point
We'd like you to use a different job search platform to give you a baseline for comparison. We'll start by asking you to jump on to This part of the project should be brief, just to provide you with a comparison for the next set of tasks.
Record how you search for a job. Navigate through the search results and review an advertisement of interests
Pick any job that leaps out at you and apply for a job using your generic 'see me please' email address.
What do you like about this experience?
What could be improved?
Task 2.3 Applying for a job with Workforce Australia
Head back to
Using your generic 'See Me Please' email address (without sharing your personal information), create a profile on Workforce Australia including verifying your email.
Populate your personal profile within the logged-in state.
While you're logged in, search for a job of interest and review the search results.
Select an open job that appeals to you and apply for that specific job.
You can use your generic See Me Please email, but it's important you attempt to apply, end to end for an open job. Right through to the confirmation email.
Talk through the entire experience, including the language and accessibility of the job advertisement, form and confirmation screens.
Is it effortless? What could be improved?
Head back to your logged-in profile within
Populate a candidate profile if with relevant information (the actual information can be made up, we just want to understand how easy or difficult this is for different users).
Finally, before the survey, explore the portal. What features are available? Would you use any of these specific features?
Task 2.3 Logged-in features
Frequently asked questions
When do I get paid?
You will need to complete the project tasks in order to get paid.
Once complete, you'll be paid a week in arears on the Friday.
Can you provide an example of 'good' user testing?
Here are a few tips to ensure your feedback is impactful:
Be Yourself: We are interested in your experience, and it's best if you relax and be yourself. Focus on your own interactions rather than providing general design or technology advice.
Record Your Screen: Including any adaptations or assistive technologies you use. This serves as a visual aid helping our client to understand the diverse needs and accessibility challenges some users face.
Narrate Your Experience: Describe any issues, problems, or confusion you encounter. Your narration provides context and clarity, making your feedback more actionable.
Turn On Your Camera: If you’re comfortable, please turn on your camera. Part of See Me Please’s mission is to highlight the human aspect of digital interactions. Being able to connect with humans providing feedback reinforces that you are a real person, not just data in a report.
I'm not sure what to do!
We're here to help.
Feel free to email us at
We'll get in touch regarding your question or set up a time to chat.